
Well here we are a couple of Fridays into my blog. I am still figuring this stuff out. But I promised to post on Genealogy. I really have started to like doing the research, sometimes it feels like a chore but you never know what you will find. **As a bit of advice for beginners be aware that sometimes people mistakenly link families that are not the same. Double check facts when possible. I found that people used the same name repeatedly at least in my family Jane Jones would marry Tom Turkey and name a child Jane Turkey. See the dilemma? **

One site I have found that I really like is

Findagrave lists cemeteries from all over the world. I originally thought it was only the U.S but I was wrong. This site is awesome because first it is FREE!!! Findagrave also helps with some genealogy issues by listing siblings, spouses, parents, and even some of the obituaries. It shows headstones and various views of the cemetery. This is done on a volunteer basis so not every one is listed or photographed. They have an option if you would like to contribute by transcription or photography; but from my experience make sure the cemetery has cell service or you know exactly who you are looking for. **I may have taken hundreds of pictures that have already been uploaded. Grr but I spent time exploring with my youngest son. LOL I only attempted once so far and I live in Florida so we were getting bombarded with lovebugs. Yes it is a thing.** It was actually pretty neat to walk around and look at when people lived and died. We did find one overlooked marker that weeds had partially obscured. It was a concrete possibly homemade handwritten grave marker (not the traditional marble) under a low tree branch.  We also found entire family plots where children had not survived and as a mother I mourned for the mothers who had lost multiple children within years of each other. I can only imagine the heartbreak of losing one child but the loss of multiple children must have been devastating.

As this is a new thing to me I wish I had done this on my phone rather than my computer so I could insert screenshots.  I may come back and insert them later.