
via Daily Prompt: Suspicious

I’m not a suspicious person by nature. I trust people and I trust God to protect me from people who are out to do harm to me or my family.

The biggest thing I have found to be suspicious of wasy former husband. When I started dating him I felt as if he was out of my league (too handsome) and that I became nervous or jealous when he wasn’t with me. We got married and after I had our son he changed. He left me for a couple of months and when he came back my anxiety only intensified. He wound up with a good paying job with benefits and he didn’t want me to work outside of the house. He said it was because his mother didn’t and he wanted me to be able to stay home and care for the kids. I thought it sweet at first, but my post partum depression was raging and I had to get out of the house. Eventually I went back to school and upon my graduation found my dream job. I was excited but he was not. Whenever I received a call that one of the children was ill he demanded I leave work to get them since he made more money. Needless to say my job didn’t last beyond my probationary period. I became even more depressed

His job was a 12 hour a day job and my only friends were the children I had at home. I would make dinner and have it on the table when he got home or he would start screaming at me. One day I was waiting on him to get home so I didn’t have to drag a sick child to the store he should have been he already so after an hour I loaded up the car with the kids and went to the grocery store. On the corner was a gas station and there sat his truck in the grass. Not by the pumps like he was getting gas, not by the door like he just ran in for cigarettes, my suspicious nature exploded and I drove through the parking lot looking in the store to see what he was doing. I continued to the store and when I returned his truck was still in the same spot. I drove back through again scoping out the store to see if I could see him. When I couldn’t see him I laid on the car horn and sqauled tires as I left. In retrospect not safe with the kids in the car. He arrives about 15 minutes later with excuses. I told him no more stopping there. I was hurt and furious. I told him if he wanted out to go. He denied it.

This is only one of many times that has led me to be a suspicious spouse.

My current husband has heard all of the stories like the one above-mentioned and never given me a reason to doubt him. I was suspicious of him in a situation once and I busted into his mancave to find him eating a late dinner and laughing at the surprised look on my face. His only remarks we’re, “Not what you expected was it?” He hugged me assured me that he loved me and would never treat me like the one before and tucked me back in bed so he could finish his dinner. I’ve never wondered since about his faithfulness.

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